Maze-ing Maze 260

Maze-ing Maze 260

"And of all illumination which human reason can give, none is comparable to the discovery of what we are, our nature, our obligations, what happiness we are capable of, and what are the means of attaining it. " Adam Weishaupt

And of all illumination which human reason can give, none is comparable to the discovery of what we are, our nature, our obligations, what happiness we are capable of, and what are the means of attaining it.”  Adam Weishaupt
Maze 260: I recently discovered a new technique for making things blend in deeper into the maze (eg the square in the middle of this maze.)  I feel like I’ve hit another creative barrier.  Right now its hard to come up with new things.  Lately I have studied past mazes to find ways to improve the creation of the newer mazes.  I think by taking a more technical approach for a couple of mazes may help to give me fresh perspective as well as discover new techniques for my work. 

~ by Warren Stokes on March 7, 2012.

5 Responses to “Maze-ing Maze 260”

  1. I don’t often see a creative block, sometimes I can tell you have rushed to accomplish your goal. I am still amazed, and impressed every time. You will move through this block just like you have the others. This maze is quite cool. I was drawn right into the center. subtle spiraling of shapes.


  2. Nature is a good source of inspiration, possibly sit outside and just study the world. How lines move and disappear, shadows, shapes, and extremely detailed surfaces form complex patterns then vanish into nothing. The marriage between light and dark areas.

    Just some thoughts.

  3. aloha Warren – i like your thinking on this creative process. i have not followed all of your mazes. i wondered if you had considered following prompts of some kind as a way to break out of your “creative barrier”?? almost any line of prompts might work – random word generators, or poetic prompts, photo theme prompts etc. ?? fun on. aloha.

  4. Very interesting and I admire your creativity and your stick-to-itness:)

  5. I love it when your mazes/works of art bring the viewer into it like this one!