Maze-ing Maze 218

Maze 218

"Try a thing you haven’t done three times. Once, to get over the fear of doing it. Twice, to learn how to do it. And a third time to figure out whether you like it or not." Virgil Thomson

Maze 218: This maze is inspired by a friend of mine Mary.  She gave me the title “Here comes the sun” and I created a maze that came to mind.  Thanks Mary!

I chose this quote because of my attempt to conquer my fears.  I run my own door to door flyer business and routinely deliver flyers to apartments.  I have a fear of heights  so this sometimes makes for a crazy day.  Anything 3 stories or higher, old, beat up or all of the above make me very nervous.  But doing apartments makes the job go quicker.  I did 1000 doors today in 4 hours compared to a 600 homes in 6 hours and quit average.

Anyway, there is one building that is 5 stories tall and I did the entire complex 500 units except the 5th.  I just can’t seem to go up those steps.  The wind is blowing hard and the complex has a pond the size of two and half football fields  in the middle so I think that makes it look even higher.  I plan to go back their everyday until I do it.

But my goal is to put that building to sleep and out of my mind once and for all! Or until a client wants me to do that area again.

~ by Warren Stokes on January 25, 2012.

14 Responses to “Maze-ing Maze 218”

  1. Wow, this is a really interesting site… I’ve never seen mazes like this. They’re simultaneously beautiful and challenging. Really cool stuff!

  2. I love the wonkey buildings in the background, love the maze as a whole, and love the quote!

    Fight those fears, you can do it!

  3. nice

  4. You are much more afraid of heights than even I. I believe you can do anything!! You will conquer this also.

  5. I love that maze – it’s just beautiful. And as for your ‘three times’ rule, I also live by that. I can’t say I’ve conquered any fears, but after 3 spinning classes I did discover that I quite liked them. And after 3 attempts to learn to knit I have discovered that I can knit a pretty fab pair of socks.

    Not quite the same, but y’know… each to their own and all that…

    Good luck getting up those stairs!

  6. I just know you are conquering your fear! Soon you’ll tell us that you freely went to that building’s 5th floor and delivered your flyers without a problem! Thanks for sharing the 3 rule!

  7. What a fantastic quote! I’m sure it’s very true too, but I’ll have to test that one…

  8. I just wanted to let you know that you’ve got some insanely designed mazes on here. Fantastic workmanship ^_^ Here’s to many more and better in the future! #glass-clink-sound lol

  9. Great quote — cool maze.

  10. I love the quote, and want to wish you the best on conquering your fear!

  11. The picture is small, but it looks very beautiful! 😀

  12. Fascinating, and inspiring. So glad that I took time to check out your blog!

  13. beautiful maze, good luck getting to the 5th floor………

  14. great picture. Thanks again for sharing your fears, somehow it makes it easier for others to risk…

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